Adinkras, Dessins, Origami, and Supersymmetry Spectral Triples

Published in p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 2019

Recommended citation: Marcolli, M., Zolman, N. Adinkras, Dessins, Origami, and Supersymmetry Spectral Triples. P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl 11, 223–247 (2019).

Adinkras, Dessins, Origami, and Supersymmetry Spectral Triples


We investigate the spectral geometry and spectral action functionals associated to 1D Supersymmetry Algebras, using the classification of these superalgebras in terms of Adinkra graphs and the construction of associated dessin d’enfant and origami curves. The resulting spectral action functionals are computed in terms of the Selberg (super) trace formula and of a Poisson summation formula, respectively.